Saturday 10th September, 2022
Sydenham Mural (Behind The Greyhound Pub) - Alleyway behind The Greyhound, 313 Kirkdale, SE26 4QB
Run time: 1 hour
Event Details

By Popular Demand- We've added another date!
Part of the Artists Trail 2022!
Join an hour long guided walk around Sydenham and explore some incredible street art around our local area.
We'll be discussing the different styles and composition of the work, and hopefully helping you to discover some pieces you haven't noticed before.
The walk is free to join, or you can give a small donation using Pay-What-You-Can. We will be leaving from the mural behind The Greyhound Pub at 5.30pm prompt- please meet there.
Please wear suitable footwear as we will be walking for around 1 hour. We will be encouraging you to maintain social distancing whilst on the walk, please respect others by keeping a safe distance.